Sam4733 Rap


my name a sam

i like to eat food dont you fucking understan?

I was walking up the street once saw a fucking stupid ass retarted homeless man begging for change

shuffled my hand into my pants, touching my cock. That bitch ain't gonna get paid. That bitch finna get laid.

My hands reached deeper than the mariana trench. I pulled out 55 gold bars and handed them to the man.

That bitch was ecstatic, what a damn idiot. "Its just gold you fucking dumbass" I then left

next fucking day right, i see a baby being kidnapped. I fucking laughed my ass off at the mother

with a big sigh a ate some cookies and yanked the baby, returning it the mother. "Bitchass. Here's yo fuckin babey."

strollin' down the street i see a crowd, they start cryin and shiet like a bunch of pussies

"OH MA GAWD ALIENS!! WE FINNA DIE!!" bitch shut yo fucking pussy ass retarted ass up. Let me handle this.

I position myself to the spaceship and turn around, taking a massive fucking fart

My fart defeated the fuckin enemy. Dumbass motherfuckers didn't stand a chance

"WOW SAM4733 JUST SAVED THE DAY!" bitches. get out of my fuckin way!

so yeah layed on my bed looks like i saved the fuckin world, don't really give a shit

i fucking hate this planet. I fucking hate this planet. I want it to die.

das me, Sam4733. I like killing people. Chopping they heads off.

I like killin shit. Laughing at the sufferin. I ate your fucking lunchables. You bitchass hoe.

I was in yo house last night. Fucking fixed your sewer pipelines. Then I fucking locked yo door cause it was unlocked

went to your bedroom and kissed you goodnight. But yeah i fucking love killing. I am a violent motherfucker

chopped yo momma up with some seasoning. (i actually didn't do that, i just chopped up some veggies for her)

I went to college. Got 20 Ph.D's in golfing. I am an entrepeneur, a fucking millionaire.

when you least expect it im saving yo bitchass. Then im stealing your fucking casseroles.

das me, Sam4733. I robbed yo uncle and tied his untied shoelaces.

I fucking baptized a little baby yesterday, called him in jesus name

when they least expect it I left 45 gold bars for the world

Went to mars and met up with the fuckin green aliens